Wednesday, April 5, 2017


Saturday, April 15, 2017
10:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Thayer Memorial Library

 Susan Snively – The Heart Has Many Doors

Susan Snively grew up in Louisville, Kentucky, and now lives in New England, where she is a guide, discussion leader, and film script writer for the Emily Dickinson Museum. She was the founder and first director of the Writing Center at Amherst College, where she worked from 1981 until 2008.  She taught courses in writing and autobiographies of women, and has published four collections of poems: From This Distance (1981), Voices in the House (1988), The Undertow (1998), and Skeptic Traveler (2005.)  

Susan Snively has received numerous Prizes and Awards for her writing, and continues to lecture and give readings. 

Besides her four books of poetry, Snively has published essays both personal and critical, and recently completed a novel, The Heart Has Many Doors, about the love affair between Emily Dickinson and Judge Otis Phillips Lord. She is the screenwriter and narrator of two documentary films on Dickinson: "Seeing New Englandly" (2010) and "My Business is to Sing" (2012), co-produced with Ernest Urvater.  She lives in Amherst with her husband, Peter Czap.

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