Flash Fiction with Winona Wendth
Saturday, January 21, 2017
10:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Thayer Memorial Library
717 Main Street, Lancaster, MA
The history of flash fiction and its seedlings—short-shorts, drabble, micro-fiction, and 55-words stories, not to mention those six-word memoir projects—has its roots in cave-drawings, but its branches in the internet. How much can we say in how few words? This craft workshop introduces flash fiction and its several sub-categories as both an end in itself and as a way to better understand our own longer works. How can we use these compact forms of precision writing in which every word matters? We’ll read some of the best 1,000-word-or-fewer flashes and write some of our own.
Winona Winkler Wendth holds an MFA in literature and writing with an emphasis on creative non-fiction from the Bennington Writing Seminars. She currently teaches writing, literature, and other humanities coursesat Quinsigamond Community College. Her work appears frequently in print and online literary journals and was listed in Best American Essays/2010. She writes both fiction and creative non-fiction, including “flash." She is finishing acollection of memoiristic essays and working on a short novel.
Winona Winkler Wendth holds an MFA in literature and writing with an emphasis on creative non-fiction from the Bennington Writing Seminars. She currently teaches writing, literature, and other humanities coursesat Quinsigamond
Please join us for this free workshop.
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