Friday, September 20, 2013

The Stuff of Persuasiveness

Practice what we preach! Come join us tomorrow, Saturday the 21st, from 10:30 - 12:30  for a two hour workshop, where we will look at the role of the senses in engaging the reader.

As readers, we participate first with our senses. We believe in what we can see, feel, hear, taste, and smell.  In writing, as in life, sensory perception guides our reason and intuition. It evokes our emotions. It is through our senses we become aware. 

In this two-hour workshop, we will explore the ways sensory detail, what Jane Burroway calls, the stuff of persuasiveness, creates compelling narrative by evoking emotion and understanding in the reader. Time will be given to practice what we have learned and for discussion and questions. 

Facilitator: Paula Castner
Beginning and Advanced Writers Welcome

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