Saturday, June 17, 2017
10:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Thayer Memorial Library
The Storyside Panel
Established in 2014, The Storyside is some of New England’s finest storytellers, joining forces to bring you the best in independent fiction. As an author-centric publishing collaborative, we’ve combined the production stream of big publishing houses with the flexibility and low overhead of small press. A manuscript goes through several different types of edits (developmental, copy, line) by multiple editors before it exits the production stream as a publishable work; the average number of edits is around eight - sometimes more. We enjoy the flexibility of the small press because we do as much as we can in-house to avoid financial waste. Our authors reap the benefit while raising their work to a high standard in bringing you the best in multi-genre fiction.
Vlad V. is the author of The Button, Yorick, andBrachman’s Underworld. His novella “The Sleep Artist“ was published in Insanity Tales, a collection of dark fiction, in October 2014 (Books & Boos Press). His first kids’ book, The Moon isDead!, was released in January 2015. An editor, publishing consultant, freelance writer, and former newspaper correspondent for the Lowell Sun and Fitchburg Sentinel & Enterprise, his work can be viewed His books are available through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo,Apple, and most major bookstores.
David Daniel ~ Author
The San Francisco Examiner called David Daniel’s, White Rabbit, "one of the most atmospheric novels about the sixties.” He has published ten additional novels and a hundred and fifty short stories. The Heaven Stone won a Private Eye Writers of America award and was a Shamus Award finalist. He teaches at the Lowell Middlesex Academy Charter School. Among his books are The Marble Kite, Goofy Foot,Reunion, and two collections of short fiction: Six Off 66 andCoffin Dust, all available at Amazon.
Stacey Longo ~ Senior Editor, Author
Stacey Longo ~ Senior Editor, Author
Stacey Longo is the author of Ordinary Boy, My Sister the Zombie, and Secret Things: Twelve Tales to Terrify. Her stories have appeared in numerous anthologies and magazines, including Shroud, Shock Totem, and the Litchfield Literary Review. She is a past Hiram Award winner and was a featured author on the 2014 Connecticut Authors Trail. A former humor columnist for the Block Island Times, she maintains a weekly humor blog at Her books are available on her website and wherever books are sold, including Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
Rob Smales ~ Editor, Author
Rob Smales ~ Editor, Author
Rob Smales is the author of Dead of Winter, which won the Superior Achievement in Dark Fiction Award from Firbolg Publishing’s Gothic Library in 2014. His short stories have been published in two dozen anthologies and magazines. His story “Photo Finish” was nominated for a Pushcart Prize and won the Preditors & Editors’ Readers Choice Award for Best Horror Short Story of 2012. Most recently, his story “A Night at the Show” received an honorable mention on Ellen Datlow’s list of the Best Horror of 2014, and was also nominated as best short story by the eFestival of Words. More about his work can be found at, or you can look him up on Facebook at
Ursula Wong ~ Author
Ursula Wong ~ Author
Ursula Wong grew up on a dairy farm in central Massachusetts, and went on to become a high-tech engineer. Her stories have appeared in a number of magazines, including Everyday Fiction and Spinetingler. She is a regional winner of the flash fiction contest sponsored by the New Hampshire Writer’s Project, and leads their Nashua chapter. Her debut novel, Purple Trees, is the story of a naïve girl who must grow up fast to find work and build a future, but the weight of the past threatens everything she loves. The book is available on Amazon. Her latest novel, Amber Wolf, was released in 2016 and is about young Ludmelia Kudirka who flees to the safety of the forest after her mother is murdered. Vowing vengeance, she joins the partisan resistance in a David-and-Goliath struggle against Stalin’s mighty war machine. Visit Ursula’s popular Reaching Readers Blog on her website (